Hey! You did! Then you must be lying! Because it is impossible to even imagine something without colours. Even darkness has its typical colour. Now you'll try to say that something abstract like 'Love', 'Jeaslousy', 'Sorrow' doesn't have a colour...but, hey loser. think again, because here they are : LOVE JEALOUSY SORROW !
So you see, colours are everywhere, but its us who fail to notice. All the human senses are inter-dependant, each one can be related with the others. I can go as far as to say that each colour has its smell and taste and vice-versa ! Because I feel it. I feel life is a river, that moves on and on.... it can never come to a standstill, if it does, then either it overflows the obstruction and finds another way of flow, or else DIES. But it never stands still. Colours are like the fishes in the river, Sound is the soothing and continous music of the flowing waters and Taste is the feeling of a mouthful of cool pure water after a long walk under he sun. They all combine to give us the true picture of the river, of Life. Today, we celebrate the Colours of Life!
I remember the day in my childhood when I saw the people on the day of Holi/Dol, walking on the street with faces like aliens, some red, some black, some silver. I've seen them struggling with each other to escape from the mischievous hands of their friends, who make sure that he doesn't have even have a mole on his skin that hasn't been drenched in colours. To tell the truth, I felt very scared. I did never go out in the street that day... I just watched them from my veranda or the roof... those 'creatures' in pitiable and lauhgable states! But somehow, I did miss to take part!

Now I understand. Holi isn't only a day to make your friends' day in the bathroom very tough, but its a day of union, its a day of celebration... celebration of love, celebration of attachment, celebration of Life! Its a day when everyone, breaking the barriers of age, sex and status, come down on the same street, under the same sun and sky, and celebrate happiness. You'd hardly see a person crying on this day, no matter how much drenched he is. At first, maybe, the person who is very reluctant to bear the colour stains on his neatly ironed shirt or nice saree, is very cross when he gets stained. But then, knowing there's nothing to lose, he jumps into the scene and participates in making the others stained... stained with love, with joy, with life. This's how contagious happiness is. You start to smile and you make everyone inspired to do the same! You start to love, and others start loving you. Maybe you're not Manmohan Singh or Abdul Kalam or even a dada of the para, but still you've enough potential to make things change, change for the better... and make this place a better place to live in!
So what are you waiting for ? RANG DE BASANTI !!!
Holi mubarak ho :)
wonderfull compilation of your thoughts.well done vivek!here's wishing all a very happy & colourful holi..
Thats really nice !! Thats how holi is supposed to be!! But these days many people are inclided to their animalistic instincts for fun than a simple lighthearted holi!!
Anyways happy holi !!!
If it tinkers, it may be the anklets.
May it be the whithering aspirations
Or the dwarfened senses of a numbed hundreds.
-- shamasis
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