Tuesday, May 09, 2006

An announcement !

My dear fellow bloggers,

Some of us have now become so much of a blogaholic that we are now giving our creativity a new dimension in this blogosphere. Expressing ourselves globally was always a very lucrative job, and now we have thought to play a game, which literally challenges our creativity!

We have thought to participate in a collage... yes, you got that right, a collage. Here one of the members will start writing a story on a selected topic and then a randomly chosen member will have to continue it from his/her leftout end. It's like we're holding each other hand in hand and showing our unity in diversity as well as giving a challenge to our creativity. The topic of the story will be finalised after a meeting with the members and will be communicated to all the members who fail to be present.

However, we've thought to keep SFTH open for the posts of the member's choice and not burden the place with some compulsion. So we're having a new blog to begin our challenge.

But it is to note that NO MEMBER CAN BE INACTIVE. Without the active participation this project will be a failure. Though everybody is free to join the new blog, they must promise their eager participation. The other members can continue posting in SFTH on topics of their own will.

It is also to be noted that there are some members in SFTH who havent posted for more than 2 months. The management has the right to cancel their membership without further notice. C'mon guys, share your thoughts with us... we're all dying to hear from you! Even a short note of a few thoughtful lines can also brighten up the day.

Interested bloggers who dare to take the challenge of unified collage can request for a membership invitation at bringshu@yahoo.com

Hoping to hear from you all...

1 comment:

Lucifer said...

Good idea.
Just finalize it soon.