Well I had been on a long leave these days coz I was battling with my Part I exams....and no I'm not heaving a sigh of relief now that it's over...coz I'm dreading the day when my results would be announced!
So what was I doing these days?Well I went to Belur math one fine evening to watch the "Sandhya Arti" and that too by a river boat ride on the Ganga.Man it was awesome!Now I really do believe once in a life time you should go there to watch the arti and that too by a boat....and feel the winds caressing your face and you will feel like an uncaged bird free from all wordly meaness and pettiness!And when you will hear the"Aratric bhajan" of the brahmacharies echoing and filling in the great hall of the Mandir...you will feel closer to God like never before!
It may be so that many of you may be thinking"whats so great about it?".......but believe me once you go there ...surely you will feel like I did!
I would have loved to write down the details...but words have failed me in this case,I guess.Till then..........
1 comment:
You can feel the heat of the fireplace by sitting close to it, but to get a real picture what it is all about, you have to be the part of the Fire itself. As Thakur said, it doesn't matter how many books/scriptures you read or how much sadhu-sanga you make... you're still wound up in the maya-jaal of the samsara. To be really close to God, you have to shrug off the kaam-kanchana and start LIVING The Way.
God Bless you...
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