The moment was spootless
But where were you ?
For heavens , give a twinkle
The heavy sound
Sounded sweet
I knew you would not say ..
Sweet sensations are between us
Why did it rain ?
Why did I cry ?
I could not answer you back
I could not measure life
A spotless mind looks good
But where is the beauty of rubbish
Mistakes always happen
We are all human
I love the rhythm in your smiles
They haunt me so often
You wait for sunshine
I weep for the sunset
If it was a game
why did we play it ?
No answers
Silence haunts me
You knew I was lost
you never cared to show me the way
A selfish soul never waited for you all this days
I am wide awake in my sleep
I am searching to memories to delete
I haven't slept for a while
Wide open are the doors
refusal to look inside
Do not speak
Do not spoil the divine moment
Can I kill you ?
Like all conspiring lovers !
I will , in due time
Like a dreaded dream
I run back to you
addiction to a smile of yours hurts me a lot
Broken glasses I said could not be repaired
But I melted them and re casted them
What next ?
I answer my questions
Why don't you answers your own tragedies
Closed chapter with misplaced pages
Progress is stalled in a quite corner
Blind sarcasms are no longer funny
Call me back to the attic
Push me down
I am fragile
I am bound to break in the impact
But I shall return with an answer
If you ask a question !
bristibondur mane ki ?
ota bristibindu hobe
baapre!! dindin tor lekhar byapok unnoti hochhe. guru chaliye jao.. amaye toh flat kore dile !!
you have a very good eye for art...
kirom ?
ha ha. testing?
naki abaar amaar arekta vul dhaarona?
you have a good eye for art.
tui vaalo photographer sheta tor lekha porle bojha jay.
obossho shob lekha naa..
ei post er chhobir selection ti oshadharon. kojon lokkho koreche jaani na.
desolate attic? preme ki tui lokabar jayga khunjchhis, shuvro?
personal proshno..
raag korish na..
uttor chai na..
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