Thursday, November 09, 2006

The End

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There was a time
when i took interest
in loving-
in giving my everything
for that cause;
to live life at the edge of the roof...
on one hand
you can scream :
"woohoo! i'm at the top of the world!"
and on the other,
when you look down
from the sheer height,
you tremble, you fear
of falling down...
of being broken into a thousand pieces.

but now,
the world fleets by
like a movie on the silver-screen
and i
remain untouched by the subtle emotions
that used to make me
shiver, twitch, or
dance to its tunes.

sentiments make a man,
they say.
but i say...
strength makes a man
ambition makes a man
character makes a man.
it's not that i'm that man...
but i know the way
out of the miseries
is to see The End.

One who sees The End
makes his decisions more justfully.
he does not
waste his time
in the lanes that has no future
no Hope, no outcome.
he sees the Light
and goes for it...
the Light of Immortality
of Permanence.

But it is also true...
it is not important What one becomes in Life
but it is important How he becomes it...
some people may differ with me,
but i Believe
that no matter what you become at the end of the Day
if you do not go through the Hard Way,
you never realise its true value,
the true essence remains obscured
from your eyes.
as a result,
with the riches of a hundred kings,
you still remain unhappy, unsatisfied, unfulfilled.

in this huge world
there are very few people
who'd place their hands on their hearts
and say "I'm Happy."
everyone has a life
and also has a freedom to live it
in their own chosen way.
but when the things go wrong...
they only have their Ego to console them
of their decisions.
but in the core of their heart
they know
they're nothing but Losers.

Living life for the moment
maybe a key mantra of today's people
and most surprisingly,
they're right in the mantra
but wrong in its execution!
here is the explanation :

live life for the moment
but such
that you always know
that it goes on...
there's no use clinging to a belonging
nothing belongs to you,
they never did...
they just change hands,
sometimes the trump card lies in your hands
sometimes to another;
Life is not the trump card
Life is the table of the play
Life is the characters of the drama
Life is the stage where it happens.

take life as it comes to you,
without expectations, without attachments
without desires, without passions!

yes, without passions!
if you reflect properly,
you will see
that it is these passions
that drive us
from one corner to the other
like a rat in a closed room
screaming their lungs out
and sweating like a pig...
the passions elude us into the false hopes
that the earth would be our dreamland!
but the truth is
all lies in the word 'Dream'...
it is you who will have to Dream
it is you who will have to change
it is you who will attain peace
nothing will change for you
no matter how hard you try
and if you still go on
you'll end up in the lanes of despair,
of utter misery.

The solution is in your hands.
Kill the passions!

You may argue
that it is those passions
that make us human.
i say:
i give a damn shit to being a human
if it means utter misery and pain
instead it's better to be inhumane
if it brings peace
if it brings stability
if it brings permanence.

my dear friends
you stand in a juncture of two roads...
one leads through a village-
a simple poor 'ambition-less' yet peaceful life
and the other through a metropolitan city-
a gorgeous flamboynt complex and uncertain life...
now that I've let you know The End
it is time,
you choose your destiny.

I wish you luck!


Nabanita said...

hmmm...valo hoyche....

akaash said...

pardon me, very, ..i don't think 'they' are gonna get this' essence, vivek!

it's a brave trial.

but anyway, 'they' are a little short of hearing... :) :)

nice picture...

Shashi Iyer said...

write more. dont bother if comments dont flow in. obviously such things dont yield to extrapolation.

Debaditya said...

good one!!
A realistic picture of life..but for the last stanza...somehow i feel there are so many ways and unfortunately most of them are never defined that makes it more complex to choose !!!

Rreena Sharma said...

Thats very beautifully put in words Vivek...looks like all your emotions vented out thru this poem...realistic reflection for sure...

keep it up buddy...
by the way i am back on orkut...
wid sweet_angel as my Id

Anonymous said...

the peace is the tortoise and the pace is the rabit... at the end of the day... everyone knows who wins the race.

if being a human is damn shit... it's better kill urself to be an ugly soul as u have no right to malign the omnipresence of humanity.

it proves once again how fragile you are in your mind which's full of cynical sense. god bless you!

Anonymous said...

the peace is the tortoise and the pace is the rabit... at the end of the day... everyone knows who wins the race.

if being a human is damn shit... it's better kill urself to be an ugly soul as u have no right to malign the omnipresence of humanity.

it proves once again how fragile you are in your mind which's full of cynical sense. god bless you!