Away from surly Bonds of earth
Hoping to get new Life after death
To see the World up next
To see the space crafts moving away from Earth
Connecting places far from the Earth
But the saddest thing for me will be I wont Exist
Hoping for New life after death
To see the inventions made by the scientists
But the saddest thing for me will be I wont exist
From Ash to Ash
and there I will remain,
Only sweet memories
That will retain,
For me I wont be able to see the whole new world
As the saddest thing for me will be I wont exist
Hence hoping for new life after death
Away from this worldly stage
Leading my role and passing away
For death will lay its icy hands on me
Away from surly bonds of earth
Hoping to get new life after death.
Liked it.
fabulous! seems like you belong to that class of people who sees things beyond time.. i mean... you've got a wonderful foresight !
@The nameless One - thank you....
@Vivek Panda - I am inclined more towards spiritual beliefs...and have always been in search of the answer for my inner quest to understand the real purpose of life....
A beautiful flowing composition ..
So , is that picture urs ?
@euphoric Dreamer - thanks...i am glad u liked it...yes the picture is mine...
u can see more of my work
its an amazing world of visual creativity....
@rreena :
saw ur album ..
lovely bits and pieces of u and ur creativity !
@thanks Euphoric Dreamer...
@ ur welcome!
Y dont u post ur calender pic here !
@posted it dude....
ya thanx dudette :)
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