Monday, December 25, 2006
Silent Nights ..
One of my Favorite Christmas Carols .
Enjoy ..
Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas !
Monday, December 18, 2006
On a evening
Indolence hold my hand
And took me
To a dark land….
It asked me to believe;
And I saw
Flowers in a dozen…
In my mind
All of a sudden…
I started my journey…
Leaving my root…
So free
From mind…
But not blind…
With trust
In my heart…
With chances
Of getting hurt…
Saw a spin on path
Lights gone…
Closed my eyes…
No roses were there
Only another twist
On the path…
Left my desires
Only dreams came
With me…
On desert…
On lonely path…
In search of light……
The search did seem
With a fragrance
I found a pathway
With a new beam of ray…
Were standing there
With stretched arms
Full of warmth…
As if you crave
All my pain
On you like rain…
That moment…
Mesmerized my thought…
When I felt no hurt…
And found my head
On your shoulder…
So happy
Felt like dying
I couldn’t…
But crying…
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Host is a ghost
Well we the 3rd year Psychology hons student of Gokhale college are going to do a seminar on the"Methods of Abnormal Psychology" and my dear friends wanted me to have a taste of the "bamboo" and they have chosen me as the host for the whole thing.Now my friends those of you who know me very well knows that , I've got a very bad habit of laughing all the time,as I'm in any "Great Indian laughter Challenge" ,with the most awkward bodylanguage one can have!And of all the people me being chosen as the Host is nothing but a sign that the show is either going to turn into a circus or a Laughing club!
I requested my friends so very much but they are such a "dhabba"in the name of friendship that they are unwilling!So there's not much option for the Host,but to turn into a Ghost on that day!Aye!If I find anyone just smiling at me,do you know what will happen?I would burst into a bout of laughter madness and everything would be worse than the messes made by Uncle Podger!
Oh I do hope that Mamata di saves me on that day and call for another Bandh or else .............My last rite is all that will be left!Oh do pray for me!
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Salaam e Ishq ~!
Lovely song with lovely pictures !
Salaam e Ishq o Meri jaan !
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Surrogate Mother
I slither out, bloody and new,
From ruptured umbilical cords,
Thrust out of vaginal walls.
By chance,
My infantile senses
Are intact and enthused.
Naked, I am fed
With shapes, smells, sounds, swarms and sensations
From the juvenile night’s bosom.
And every sense grows
Into a child’s sense.
Prowling into the night,
My meandering feet and childish fingers
Feel the bodies
Of fellow creatures of the night;
Other moonlit children.
I search each eye,
Each body
For a similar mark.
Flaccid, I stumbled into loneliness.
Shards of pain appear in my pubis
Curled, blackened and clustered.
Char my face, in pencil mats
Muffle my voice, low as night’s humdrums.
My masculine senses
Heave windows open.
Naked bodies sway
To the song of the night,
Emanating new shapes, new smells,
New sounds, new swarms and new sensations,
A strange new dusk spawns
Inside a warm bowl.
The possibilities in a strange new dusk
Smiled on my naked body,
And upon my genitals.
Ungarbed, I quivered in the cold.
I need a bosom
And a shield of hair.
Sexually excited, I masturbate
Into a stranger’s bowl.
I masturbate.
As I unfold myself,
I shrink.
Every span of skin
Forbears growth.
Every breath coalesces.
Every tress of hair
Sprawls a tiny sheath.
I coagulate into a new, cold sperm.
Quivering in the cold,
I swim up
To a stranger’s egg
Waiting to divest myself off my senses.
I ripple into a stranger’s womb.
In the day,
I float in saps,
Inchoate and unmade.
My body sprawls itself
Into an unrestricted expanse
And I grow without a center.
My fetal heart feeds
On strangers’ day dreams.
I collect the waves of myself
And prime them into an infant
With new skin.
Monday, December 04, 2006
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Friday, December 01, 2006
Walking on the dark Side of moon

"Breathe ..
Breathe in the air"
The air is thin in my moon
Its hard to breathe..
A long day of lost paradise
I live amongst you
I die in the absence of moon.
So , I keep walking on the dark side of moon..
There is more to me than you see
A eclipse of thoughts echoes through dusk
Anonymous glow beneath my eyes
A surprise gone wrong
May be , there was more to it
Than you and me walking ..
There was more to it ..
The noon may not speak anymore
But the midnight will surely do its part
Midnight moon shines on you ..
"Shine on you crazy Diamonds
Now there's a look in your eyes , like black holes in the sky"